We Want To Hear From You!

Please feel free to send us feedback via the contact form below. If you have any questions, comments or just want to say Hi! Please do so. Is there something we can improve on our platform?

BackpackFanatic is a growing platform for visitors who seek information, knowledge, reviews, and stories in the outdoor, travel and adventure niche. Visitors are highly targeted accordingly to their demographics and all traffic is heavily monitored. OutdoorFanatic offers premier advertising space on the platform.

Guest Writing

BackpackFanatic will gladly accept guest writers and is open to collaboration. Please send a request via the contact form below for more information.


Want to feature your picture on BackpackFanatic? Looking for a platform to share the photography of your outdoor travels and adventures? Send us a request via the contact form and we will be in touch.

For All Further Questions and Inquiries please submit.

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